Back in the day, in the old land, when people didn't
understand the physic laws and the concept of the universe, wise men were
called wizards. Wizards usually lived isolated from the crowd, in their own
little worlds, but somehow managed to reach the joy of the life, which they
called ''peace''. They didn't have many visitors, as people didn't always
understand or liked their stories, which was completely fine by them. But they
also welcomed their curious guests with an opened heart. Those guests were
mostly lost travellers, trying to find their way back, or some curious
children, playing their games just to show up that they're brave enough for
talking to a wizard.
artwortk by Tim White |
In the days of the wizard Nirmas, the land was poor, people sick,
and the fear took over the place. People rarely went out, scared of what might
happen, protecting their children and homes from the thieves and diseases. Not
many travellers were passing the old land of Veruca as they used to. The
darkness seemed like an endless curse. Some people even blamed wizards, others
blamed God, but no one decided to seek for the answers. Except one young man,
Otto lived alone with his mother and remembered quiet well
the sunny days of Veruca. He was a smart boy, and despite the fear of his
mother, he decided to search for the wizard Nirmas. There was nothing to do in
Veruca, after all. Otto went into the woods to seek him as his mother cried
silently hoping he will come back soon and safe.
#MilenkaDelic |
The cottage was much closer than he imagined, and the wizard
seemed genuinely delighted to see him.
-What's your name, young boy?-asked Nirmas.
-Otto, sir. Sorry to disturb you, but I would like to talk
to you.Sir-he replied nervously.
-I am no sir, Otto. My name is Nirmas. Come in.-smiled the wizard.
-Thank you sir, I mean, Nirmas. It is very lovely inside.
One would never think there is any kind of danger outside.
-There isn't. Time changes its colours, but there is no reason
one should be so afraid. Is this is way you're here? To hear that there is
nothing to be afraid of?
-Well yes. –replied Otto. –I would like to
understand what is happening. People seem so desperate, and Veruca never seemed
as dark as it is now. What should we do Nirmas?
-I cannot tell you what everyone should do. It's the cold in
the hearts, not in the air that has taken over Veruca. I can tell your heart
craves for warmth. Go to the woods, alone. You will meet three beautiful women
on your way. The first one will make the strongest impression on you, as you
never talked with the creature like that before. You will think she has all the
answers. The second one will surprise you as she'll appear as she's from
another planet. You'll love her, but wont understand her until the journey is
finished. The third one will charm you by offering you all the answers, and you
will love her. I'll be waiting for you right here. You'll recognize the path. It's
time to go-said Nirmas to the boy.
Otto saw the wizard was determined and kind, and he accepted the
path Nirmas proposed him.
Gemma Ward/Alexander McQueen/Spring 2007 |
He was mildly surprised when he saw this beautiful creature
who appeared as a fairy just in the beginning of his journey. He smiled
instantly and the lady smiled back:
-Hello stranger. You lost?
-I don't know actually-he replied–I was sent here, and
honestly, I have no idea why. People in our land are having a hard time
surviving, so I decided to reach for the help of some kind...
-Oh!-lady smiled–You're in the right place! I'm Jeda by
the way. What's your name?
-Come, Otto. Help me carry the fruit for the beginning, I
live close to the river.
They carried the fruit, then they talked and talked, and
talked...and Otto thought Jeda was the most magnificent creature he has ever
meet. Her stories were impressive , her dishes delicious, and she knew how to
make the best tea in the world. He fell in love with her and they lived
together for a while. Otto has almost forgot about his journey, and a whole year passed when he
said to Jeda:
-I'm worried about my mother. And my people are not well. I need to find some
kind of help, would you join me, Jeda?
Jeda suddenly looked worried as she replied:
-I take care of this place, you see. I cannot leave it. Don't
you enjoy the time we spend here? But I understand if you must go. Many people pass around here and me, I wont be lonely. In times
like these, I've never seen so many different people and heard so many wonderful stories.
I must stay and learn more. Wish you all the best, Otto.
via #bleachbath |
Otto was confused, but he knew his journey can't stop there.
He tought about Nirmas and realised he should really move on. Jeda carved the symbol of
love into his chest so that he never forgets her and feels alone. But oh, how he felt
alone. Wandering and wondering why is that.
Just when he tought he can't move on as tired as he was,
another girl appeared. Although her pale face and dark hair looked scary, her
gentle smile convinced Otto she was probably another fairy.
-Where ya goin', funny boy?
Otto, surprised by the sudden appearance of the girl, replied wearily:
-I don't know...I'm searching for some help... I guess..
-What's that heart on your chest over there? Lost your love?
Otto didn't know what to say as the word ''yes'' just
slipped from his mouth.
-Well, it's not like there's one love, or one home, or one
day in the life after all-the girl smiled-Why you must cut yourself to
feel loved? Come with me, funny boy, and rest. I don't live that far.
via #venusinfursvtg |
Otto followed her as he had no other thing to do after all.
She gave him shelter. Her place was full of carpets, candles, and weird plants,
who somehow survived there, although it seemed like there's never enough light.
Otto never asked for her name, nor did she asked for Otto's name. She didn't
ask anything. When Otto got better, she took his hand and said contentedly:
-You are alright now. Don't be afraid, there's one rocky
road over there, but it is not dangerous as it looks. Many people pass there and you might find there
what you need. I can heal your scar on the chest with these leaves, but I
cannot heal your heart. I'm just glad I've met someone who wants to heal it. So many
people think they have one, when they don't...You'll be fine. Oh, just one more
thing. You'll see a rose one day, and that's how you'll know...Goodbye.
Otto didn't understand the girl, but he was deeply touched
by the warmth of her voice and smile. As they said goodbye, he noticed the tears in
her eyes, the picture that was now deeoly carved in his mind for some reason.
walked for days, but strangely, didn't feel no pain at all. He felt strong. Eventually he
stopped as he noticed a majestic castle in the middle of a glorious garden. There
were soldiers and many local people around, singing and waiting for something to
happen. He asked one of them quietly what was happening. The man yelled delightedly:
-The princess has a birthday! And today she will pick her prince, everyone is so excited to see who will be the chosen one!
The princess soon appeared in front of the crowd, stunning, in her silver dress, as her long red hair played with the wind. Her
beautiful green eyes look directly at Otto's and stopped there for a moment. The seconds seemed
like hours, as she smiled proudly at Otto and asked him to join her. The crowd
was insane, and Otto wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not. The princess said to
him kindly:
-You're not from here, I can tell. Would you like to be the real
prince? Would you like the life of gods? And I will be your goddess.
Otto was out of himself as he took the hand of this surreal
being. Him, the prince. Suddenly, he was on top of the world he never knew
existed. The princess wanted a young man devoted only to her, known only by
her. Otto thought to himself:
-This must be it, the end of the journey. I got everything I
could wish for, honour, kingdom, beautiful wife. I could even help my people now! This was my journey!
The days, months and years passed and Otto had no idea what
was going on outside of the castle. The princess Bertulia would tell him:
-Why worry, my dear prince? You're the emperor. I told you I will send help to your people. Oh, just look how beautiful we
are. We are happy, and so is everyone-she said to him while looking proudly at
their reflection in the mirror.
via #amiete |
But Otto wasn't happy long time ago. The clothes, the
parties, the promises and the talk seemed emptier than the air he was
breathing back in the woods. And he didn't understand completely why is that.
He should love this, and princess must love him. But his heart was still
missing. So he talked to Bertulia:
-My princess, I know you wanted a partner to your kingdom.
But this clothes doesn't make me a prince. I've left my home long time ago and
promised to come back. We can go there and help the people
of Veruca to get better!
Bertulia instantly replied:
-I don't have the cure for them, but haven't I given
you everything? I gave you this castle, the power and beauty and you still cry for that sad
little land? You are much more than that! You can go, but I cannot go with
you. I give you one month, and if you don't come back by then, I will know you never will. There are plenty of other men who would die to be at your place
right now anyway...I'm sure I would find someone worthy. And we have so much to do here these days, the emperors
of Guania are visiting soon, and all those celebrations and preparations...So if you must go, hurry
Otto felt another stone in his heart, and finally said:
-You might be the most majestic woman I have ever seen, your beauty and
power are breathtaking. It's like I'm under your spell. Still, I must go. This isn't my kingdom. Forgive me.
Ashley Enns Photography |
As soon as he crossed the border and approached the wood, he
felt such a release and was extremely shocked to feel that. As there was
truly some kind of spell out there and now he was free. He couldn't wait to go
back home, and to visit Nirmas. When he realised that it would make him happy,
suddenly, he felt disappointed. All this journey, what for? He went through
the pain, confusion, addiction and the cold and it seems he only got older and more
tired. It's almost like he got angry at Nirmas for promising him the answers
and making him take this journey. But soon as he approached the lands of Veruca,
he noticed the air was different, fresher, and the was sun shining like never before. He
would have thought he got lost if he didn't know the path to his home so well.
Right before the wizards house, he noticed a large beautiful rose, out of
nowhere, as it didn't belong there. Suddenly he
recalled a strange memory of the dark haired girl who warned him about the rose. Although it all seemed now like a dream, he curiously picked up the rose.

The wizard opened the door as soon
as he heard Otto's steps:
-You look like a man, my boy!In 3 years a lot of things
change!-Nirmas laughed–Come in, let's have a talk.
Otto entered the cottage, holding a rose full of thorns. He
told Nimras about Jeda, the dark girl and the princess, and how he felt now
completely tired and confused, not knowing what to do to and what was going on
in Veruca. Nimras delightedly started to explain everything:
-As you left Jeda and met the dark haired girl, who's name was Rose by
the way, she fell in love with you, knowing that your heart had been broken. So she
came to Veruca, planted all these roses, came back to her kingdom and asked her father to
help your people. You see, she was a young princess who had chosen a modest life in search for something meaningful.
Thanks to you, she had found that true love could only bring more love, and that 's how
Veruca blossomed. She told the king and her soldiers to follow the roses. And so
they did, bringing all kinds of herbs with them, to cure the illness. This land is rich
again, the houses are restored, even the weather is brighter again. Also, your
mother knows you're well and she's happily waiting for you.
-But where is Rose now?-asked Otto in such dramatic way, as
he was trying to understand everything all at once, and in the same time felt
so weak for not being able to understand the girl or even know her name.
-She went on another mission with the king across the sea, I
don't think she will be coming back-said Nimrad as he looked suspiciously into
Otto's eyes.
via #yousummerdreamz |
-My boy, you love Rose I see. But you also loved Jeda
and Bertulia, isn't that right? Or to be more precise, you loved what they did for
you. You made a wise choice coming back here, I was worried for a moment you
might have wanted to stay in that castle forever. But this is how you learn, so there is hope for
you. See, the first woman was safety. The second one was love. The third one
was lust. The first one became pain. The third one became cold as ice. But the second one never felt wrong. So now you see. The love should never give you scars
or make you feel empty. Love knows how to listen. Love never begs, explains, or pushes. Your mind might not understand that right away, but your heart does. Ask yourself, where is your heart now? In the castle, by the river, or across the sea? Or is it right here? How far can it go, Otto?-Nimrad wondered.
via #uniqueforeverr |
Otto looked at the rose in his hand and for the first time in
his life the tears started falling from his eyes, as his heart has finally become
alive. He was cured. He felt the drop of the blood from the thorns in his hand, and let his tears wash it away. He knew. There was a new journey waiting
for him across the sea.
Invitation to Inspiration <3