Tuesday, August 21, 2018


This post has no intent to condemn social networks and modern ways of accessing information and communication. It is a well known fact social networks have many pros in terms of offering us many possibilities and diverse opportunities previous generations didn't have. They are respectable source of free global knowledge and offer us different ways of individual expression. They built ways to meet new people, ideas, places, cultures, etc. Because of many pros, people often ignore the obvious traps of this social experience, taking it for granted by just playing the game and following ridiculously invented rules. And since we're online everywhere, we are very much part of this game non stop. So how does this affect our everyday life?

  1. Seizing the moment

Carpe diem. We all know there are thousands of quotes about seizing the moment, as well as books which try to convince us that the moment is all we have. And if we don't live it, we are not living at all. But just thinking about this all the time, doesn't help at all. Especially when people try to freeze their moments online and glorify them through facebook and instagram. That way it is more important for the moment to look good so others can approve you, than to enjoy your life for yourself. People tend to get frustrated easily trying to participate in that game, thinking that it is the only way to live the moment, to have a life worth seeing by other people. You end up caring more about others enjoying YOUR moment, than enjoying it for real. The thing is, that's not true either, probably. People just feel they can gain more satisfaction that way. And moment by moment, you forget to feel your own life.

         2. The illusion of missing out the ultimate life

No one normal will bother posting a photo of a ''normal'' everyday moment...Not without decorating it - changing the coffee cup for the photo to look better, spreading arms towards the sky so you think it is super excited to stand at the exact place of the photo shoot, posting a quote under the exaggerated selfie to normalize the idea of that photo, using all kinds of animals to show off your hair, outfit or fancy couch…Of course, most people don't go that far. Sometimes a cup is just a cup. Our brains and eyes don't care these insta photos are never the reality itself. There are thousands of tricks and apps which do miracles for plain existence, and some of them are great artistic tools and can be fun. So when your scrolling all these perfect scenery photos, dinners, parties…Either they're selling it to promote something, or selling it to gain non existent satisfaction, or to prove something. But we all know we keep best ''things'' for ourselves and have no urge to prove we have them to anyone. Your brain receives this as life is happening as the photos, as if you must immediately be in every part of the world and try every trendy look, all at once. You know there's no logic to it, but your brain feels it's real. New travel destination wont bring you ultimate life. Or new clothes. Or famous friends. Or new kitchen. Travelling is lovely and we love pretty things. But this is the never ending chase for the hottest brand ever: ''the ultimate life''. And it doesn't exist, definitely not on social networks. But this brand can steal your time, money and identity - whether you're aware of it or not.

3. Distortion of perception

When chasing the ultimate life, you must look real good, too. Thanks to Kardashians, her managers and many more, now it is sexy to have strong curves all over the world. Fill your face too occasionally and be proud of your accentuated features when spontaneously photographed. Of course you're a smart woman full of inner life, but you want to be more, a super hot woman full of inner life. You too can be the unique exotic queen, just like everyone. And all this apps, even snapchat funny ones, are showing you that if you do just this little intervention, you'll be super cute! Google search snapchat dysmorphia. The shit is real. While you're obsessing over these looks while scrolling photos and taking selfies, your brain is being tortured with false ideas again. Suddenly you're not pretty. You're not THAT. Your brain feels you're just not enough. More fillers, more plastic, be a cat, be a  horse, become a fucking sculpture, or hide yourself, you plain human. The good news is that today, everyone can be beautiful, you just got to pay. Or learn tricks. Fair as it is.

4. Dehumanizing human experience

     So what has happened to all these everyday things in life most people love? Travelling, animals, food, clothes, parties, friends, families…We are selling it for our own story. See, if I can't sell my family because I think it's not insta interesting, I'll sell my trip to Thailand or Island. Think about it…If there wasn't a possibility to show to everyone all the things you do, would you really do all these things? And what about friendship? We're all friends on these networks aren't we? Level up is taking a photo with some of them. That is MANY friends. Sounds cool, but the sad truth is people are forgetting the meaning and the feeling of being a friend. Lost in their own self realizations and false self improvements, they've almost lost the human instinct to truly connect, love and built life with other like-minded human beings. Humans are social beings and we are forgetting what that means thanks to social networks and online chatting. We meet and greet and then go back to our own false realities. We're obsessed with out own life story and selling it to others, forgetting that only hand in hand with others we can make a story worth living and telling. Love, families and friendships have been dehumanized by communication apps and cheap quotes. We have filtered our lives so much that all that is left is a pretty envelope without any letter in it. 

      If you ask why would we let such things culminate, it is because there is so much financial profit to it. Fashion industries, marketing, pharmacy, aesthetic medicine, consumers lifestyle makes a good life all over the world in so many business areas. It is a perfectly organized machine for a modern lifestyle that there is almost nothing left to question, change or experience deeply and personally. Also, there is too much to do, see, try, catch, buy and sell.

Evolution gone crazy? What will future bring for the people, how is global connecting serving us to become better, healthier and happier humans ? Everyone online points out the rising issue of mental health problems and the need to overcome prejudices concerning them, so people are really starting to bring some important issues up through social media. And yet, no one speaks about the role of social media in the growing percentage of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety as most common. Exaggerating? Ask your parents how did they fight these issues. You might get a better answer to all of these questions.

Stay online and safe, love you



*We do not own any of these photos*

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